Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Winner Is....

Congratulations Laura!
You are the winner of the drawing and therefore receiving the book Stash Happy Felt.  
Send us a picture of each project as you complete it.
Deadline:  Two Weeks.

Thank you to all of you who entered the drawing!  The book will be available online or at your favorite bookstore starting October 4th.  There are some adorable ideas and creative contributors inside!

The prize will be delivered on foot within 24 hours as the health, weather, or the sensitivity of the delivery man permits. No prize transfer, assignment or substitution by winner permitted. All federal, state and local taxes, fees and surcharges on prizes are the sole responsibility of the winner. If the winner declines the prize, fails to claim the prize, is unavailable for prize fulfillment, fails to abide by the Official Rules, or is ineligible, Mary's Makings may select an alternate winner from all remaining eligible entries. If the winner is not at her desk tomorrow, Mary's Makings is not responsible for the mental anxiety she may endure as she patiently waits for Monday to come.  Congratulations Laura!


  1. I'm so excited,
    And I just can't hide it,
    I'm about to lose control
    And I think I like it.

    What a wonderful way to start off a Friday!

    Plus, could your disclaimer get any cuter?


  2. Glad we could start your Friday off right. Quick... go buy a lottery ticket!

  3. So things got a bit crazy this past week and I missed your latest posts:( But your book looks FABULOUS!!!!! I am so excited to see the real deal, but if I may judge the book by it's cover and the one person I know with a's gonna be pretty RAD! So excited!!!!!!
